Halwende’s Legacy

Halwende’s Legacy You can’t change your destiny. Read all three books of the amazing Halwende’s Legacy trilogy in this box set. After a failed coup to topple the despotic dictatorship on Eridu, Halwende must hide himself and the secret he doesn’t even know he...

Halwende’s Reincarnation

Halwende’s Reincarnation I’ll rescue Adala, or I’ll die trying. With the prospect of war imminent for Helheim, Adala is less than impressed with Halwende for bringing it to her. And she suspects he’s involved with another woman. Once he smooths things out he...

Halwende’s Resurrection

Halwende’s Resurrection Give me one chance, and I’ll change your mind. What do you say? Sent out by Adala to negotiate trade deals with the Rigel Empire, Halwende runs into an old friend from the past and finds out he’s on the emperor’s wanted list.  When he...

Halwende’s Redemption

  Halwende’s Redemption Halwende wants to forget his past… but can’t. Halwende crash-lands on a planet that shouldn’t exist and is asked to help fight someone else’s civil war between the dethroned ruler from the usurper Egon, who intends making the king’s...