I just finished reading ‘Save The Cat Writes a Novel’ by Jessica Brody. It is a must read book for any writer of fiction stories. Save the Cat is a method of story telling developed by Blake Snyders for screenplay.
The book describes the distinct beats or elements that all good stories have. She details where they usually occur in a novel, providing a roadmap for developing your story. Jessica also analyses several well known successful books, showing where the beat elements are in the story. The books she analyses are from different genres or story types to illustrate the method across a vast range of stories.
‘Save The Cat Writes A Novel’ has helped me improve my story writing. I can see where my stories are lacking in structure and how to make them more compelling and interesting. Whether you’re a planner or a panser, the book will help you improve your story writing.
Jessica also shows how to pull together quick and compelling loglines and synopses for your story using the same ‘Save The Cat’ methodology.
The book is well written, keeping my interest the whole way through. I recommend reading this book to improve your story telling or just out of interest in story structure. You can go to the Save The Cat website to find out more about the methodology.
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