Space X recently completed their first successful flight of their gigantic Starship spacecraft. That got me thinking of how we could use it to ship larger payloads into space.
This would help construct larger space stations and other structures faster.
That then got me thinking of the huge amount of fuel consumed launching such payloads into space on a regular basis. Wouldn’t be better to send the tools and equipment we need to manufacture and construct the structures in space or, say, on the moon where the escape velocity is much less than for Earth.
Whole new industries might start up, as I have described in my upcoming book, Lunar Rift (another plug, but it is relevant) — asteroid mining, refineries in space and other industries to support life away from Earth.
In fact, we might develop whole new industries that can’t exist on Earth with its greater gravitational force and atmosphere. A new revolution in pharmaceuticals, computer hardware and other endeavours that don’t even exist today could sprout from these humble beginnings. We can only dream!
Exciting times lay ahead of us. It just needs entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and money to take the first step.